Catawba Valley Farmers Market
CVFM Information: Pam Hall, CVFM Secretary
Phone: (540) 580-1533 Email: catawbafarmermarket@gmail.com
Thursdays 3:00pm - 6:30pm Rain or Shine "The friendliest Farmers Market in the valley!"
Our Vendors
Obviously, the Catawba Valley Farmers Market would not exist without our wonderful vendors.
These folks work very hard throughout the year to provide their wares to the public.
It goes without saying that we appreciate each and every one of the folks that participate in our effort
to bring fresh, nutritious food as well as beautiful and useful handicrafts to our market.
If you would like to receive an application to become a vendor at our market, CLICK HERE.

Frank & Pam Garman
In continuing with family tradition,
Frank and Pam Garman have acquired the Walnut Hill Farm business from Frank's parents,
Frankie & Louise Garman.
They raise healthy grass-fed Angus cattle that are antibiotic free. Their beef products are processed under USDA inspection and the meat
is vacuum packed before being frozen.
The beef is sold as steaks, roasts, London broil and ground beef. The Garmans also sell Apple-Wood Smoked bacon, mild pork sausage,
as well as country ham slices.
As Catawba Valley natives, Frank and Pam are willing to share their knowledge of Catawba history. Feel free to reach out to Pam
with questions about their meats,
cooking suggestions and recipes.

Steve & Pam Hall
Hall Gardens
Steve and Pam live within a mile of the Farmers Market, so their produce truly is local!
It is also very fresh since most of it is pulled, picked or cut the morning of the Market.
Nothing excites Pam more than getting to
dig in the dirt. She loves to plant tiny seeds, watch them grow and then produce cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, or radishes.
Steve is the tractor operator, getting
the garden spaces ready for planting.
In addition to their produce, the Halls
also sell apples, peaches, pickles,
jams and granola.
Steve sometimes has his handmade
baskets available.

Rebecca McKeever
Rebecca is a native of Roanoke County and resides in Vinton. She was a Roanoke City Schools art teacher for 25 years & decided that she wanted to be an artist and have more control over her time. Rebecca makes and sells a variety of functional pottery, as well as some decorative items. Her wares include coffee cups (her most popular item), bowls, platters, butter dishes, butter bells (ask her about the history of these), buttons, roses, birds, hair pins & so much more.
Her products are microwave & dishwasher safe. Each piece is an original.
Rebecca frequently brings her potters wheel
to the farmers markets and works
on projects while there.
She's happy to answer questions about her craft.

Elliott & Laura Muncey
Caldwell Mountain Copper & Kettle Corn
The Munceys live in the Troutville area.
Laura also teaches school and Elliott makes copper applebutter kettles and smaller items. The kettle corn is popped on-site
in an applebutter kettle.

Meg Hibbert
Meg lives in Salem.
In addition to Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies,
she sells baked-that-morning scones, fruit muffins, sourdough rolls and other goodies.
Meg uses local fruits whenever possible,
local cage-free eggs and real butter.
She uses handed-down and
community cookbook recipes.
Meg bakes special orders and delivers locally within 10 miles of Salem.
Another of Meg's specialties is locally grown catnip and catnip sock cat toys.

Diana J. Smith
4 Sisters Bakery
Diana lives in Craig County. She began selling
her canned goods & crafts over 20 years ago
at the Salem Farmers Market and
the Craig County Fall Festival.
She will bring jellies & jams, chow-chow and crafts to the Farmers Market on a part-time basis.

Paul & Kathy Comer
Paul & Kathy are retired and Paul has been making wood crafts since 2013. His products include lanterns, bowls, candle holders
and other decorative items.
The Comers do not sell on the farmers market every week since they also sell
at numerous craft shows.
The Market's weekly newsletter indicates
the weeks they will be present.

Wanza Spradlin
Wanza is a self-taught artist who brings a variety of custom home decor items to the market.
She has been painting for 20 years.
“I saw a picture in a painting magazine,
looked at the instructions and thought
“I can do that,” so I bought paint & brushes
and started painting and found out, I could!” Wanza’s talents include jewelry-making,
thread and ribbon embroidery,
wreaths & florals and more.
Wanza’s unique name reflects
her personality and style.
Wanza is an Indian name which means
“beautiful wildflower.”
In addition to artistry, Wanza is also a chocolatier specializing in chocolate covered strawberries. She enjoys creating custom paintings & florals
for her clients, as well as working local & regional community markets and shows.

Linda & Nicole Brunk
This mother & daughter team offers cakes, cookies, breads, etc. Angel food cakes,
whoopie pies, French bread, pecan pies,
preacher cookies, chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal cookies, gingersnaps
and homemade noodles.
Other baked goods available by request.

Dean & Laura Bower
Hillside Plants & Produce
Dean & Laura and their son, Jeff, live just outside of Fincastle. They have been growing produce for many years. In addition to a wide variety of produce, the Bowers sell vegetable and flower plants, hanging baskets, pumpkins and mums. Their most popular items are tomatoes, green beans, corn and cucumbers. Dean and Laura state that providing local food and other products for the people dedicated to buying locally is the most positive aspect of their work.

Kristy & Lindsey Sowers
Rocky Ridge Farm - Flower Haven
Kristy Sowers and daughter Lindsey live in Roanoke County, where Lindsey grows flowers and plants. Kristy does the baking, providing their booth with a variety of home-baked cakes, cookies and candy.
Beginning in 2020, Kristy will also be offering a wider variety of produce grown on their Rocky Ridge Farm, along with eggs and boxed selections of vegetables. Lindsey will continue selling cut flowers, vegetable and flower plants
and hanging baskets.

Alice Ricucci
Alice lives in the Catawba Valley with her husband, their flock of chickens and their dogs. Alice loves to sew, resulting in quilts, ladies handbags, table runners, potholders, microwave bowl holders, bibs for babies and adults, eyeglass and checkbook holders and much more.
Alice also brings baked goods to the Market – fruit pies, breads, cookies, cakes, and her most recent endeavor, fried apple pies.
Alice uses her own fresh eggs in her baked goods. Much of the fruit comes from her own trees and the rest of the fruits are sourced locally. Alice is busy the day before and during the morning of Market day, preparing her pies, cakes, etc., so they are fresh for her customers.

Ann Harrell
Creekside Creations Country Photography
Ann photographs mostly rural scenes, wildlife, farm animals and nature. Her photos are then professionally framed in reclaimed Craig County barn wood. Many of her photos are also used on note cards and wall calendars. Ann's photography reflects her life as a Craig County farmer and her love of rural living.

Brenda Starkey
Starkey's Signs & Such
Brenda is a Catawba Valley native and she lives on a farm overlooking Catawba Creek.
Her primitive signs are hand-painted on old barn boards that she collects and then cuts
into the needed size and shape.
Brenda also makes other decorative items
for the home, all based on her barn boards.

Diana Morehart
CarDiMore Jewelry
Diana lives in Roanoke.
In addition to a full-time job, Diana makes handmade gemstone jewelry. She has been a part of our Holiday Market for several years.

Terri Benson
Terri grew up on a beef cattle farm in Roanoke. She is a United States Navy Veteran.
She started her business in September of 2018.
She makes Wreaths, Birdhouses, Bird feeders, Planter Boxes, Scarves, Head Warmers,
Throw Pillows, Baby Blankets and
Candle Ring/Center Pieces.
She is always looking to create new items to sell.
She also does special orders for wreaths as well. She loves to create!

Dave Hayman
Bird Houses / Feeders & Wood Crafts
Dave has an extensive background
of carpentry, cabinetry and woodwork.
In the summer of 2016, he moved back
to New Castle and began making bird houses
for some friends and soon, the requests
for more started rolling in.
After that, he decided to expand his hobby
and build for people who wanted
to use his products for gifts, etc.
His handcrafted woodwork allows folks
to watch nature come into their yards and stay.

Dorothy Barnett
Dorothy is a Botetourt Co. native.
She retired after teaching art for 37 years
in the Botetourt Co. School System.
Her artwork includes drawing, painting
and photography.
At Christmas, her handcrafted, wood-burned ornaments have become a favorite collector’s item. The wood-burned ornament idea first sprang into action in 1980 as she was looking
for an inexpensive art project for her students
at Christmas. She began cutting the wooden cross-sections from trees on the family farm.
The idea grew into a passion that continues
today as former patrons share their stories
about how their lives were touched
by the memories that the ornaments evoke
when they see the handmade wood-burnings
on their tree each year.
Our vendors list will continue to grow and develop...check back often for new & current vendor information.